Information for presenters

Deutsche Version

Individual presentations

Individual presentations are scheduled in four parallel tracks. Your session chair will introduce you in a few words and make sure you stick to the times allocated to your talk.

Duration: 20 minutes presentation + 5 minutes for questions

Materials: It is up to you, whether you would like to use visual support for your presentation. You can upload any materials (slides or handouts in pdf format as well as links to datasets or published materials) to your event on the conference platform. Please note that all materials uploaded to this platform will be publicly available.

Poster presentations

For a poster session you should prepare a short pitch to introduce interested participants to your research topic, as well as a short walk through of your poster. However, a poster session is meant to be interactive and allow for ample discussion of your research, so try to keep it short and to the point.

Materials: You can upload your poster or any related materials (e.g. links to datasets) to your event on the conference platform. Please note that all materials uploaded to this platform will be publicly available.


If you have any questions regarding your talk, please don’t hesitate to ask.

You can reach us by email both before and during the conference.